Upon completion of the course, participants will have the necessary competencies for the systematic administration of occupational health and safety activities.
Participants will learn to audit management systems and participate as internal auditors for ISO 45001:2018.
Participants will be able to identify which health and safety requirements would apply to their workplace.
Understand and address the legal requirements applicable to this standard.
Participants will learn to prepare a fire risk analysis in accordance with NOM 02 STPS.
Participants will understand the importance of implementing a LOTO program in the operation and maintenance of machinery and equipment.
Participants will pay attention to legal requirements for the control of chemicals.
Participants will know and understand the legal guidelines of NOM 06 STPS.
Participants will be able to develop a program for risk control and activities considered as work at heights.
Participants will understand how to manage a program for the recognition, evaluation, and control of chemical agents.
By the end of the course, participants will be able to schedule activities for the evaluation and control of occupational noise.
Participants will have the necessary skills and abilities to schedule activities for the recognition, evaluation, and control of ionizing radiations.
Participants will be able to schedule activities for the evaluation and control of areas with elevated or reduced temperatures, avoiding exposing other workers and themselves to risks.
Participants will understand how to manage personal protective equipment used in their companies.
Participants will have the necessary knowledge to schedule activities for the identification and communication of hazards and risks of chemicals used in their organization.
Participants will learn how to work as members of the joint committee for the control of risks in their organization.
Participants will be able to schedule compliance activities for pressure vessels.
Participants will gain knowledge about the requirements for physical grounds, as well as the information that an endorsed study should contain.
Participants will understand how to manage equipment that generates vibrations and can affect the health of workers.
Participants will be able to schedule compliance activities for lighting standards in the organization's areas.
Participants will know and understand the necessary requirements to develop a chemical control program in their organization.
Participants will be able to include safety issues for the evaluation and control of electrical maintenance activities.
Participants will be able to identify which safety and hygiene requirements would apply to their workplace.
Participants will be able to recognize, evaluate, and control risks in welding activities.